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Wealth Management

Pillar Wealth Management is Offering Exclusive High Net Worth Portfolio, Estate
and Tax Protection Strategies developed over 30+ years.

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Have you planned retirement yet?

It is good to good future planning.

Investing Services That Solve Problems Facing Affluent Investors

A wealth management advisor can help you with many trust services that you will have to pay several professionals for.
Below is a list of the many benefits you will enjoy:

Your income goes up but your net worth isn’t changing.

You’ve received a list of offerings from life insurance companies and don’t know which program is the best choice – if any.

You read media stories saying that investing in more bonds as you get into retirement is smart, but you don’t feel like you have the information or expertise to really know how to proceed.

A friend wants you to go in on some hedge funds, but your spouse doesn’t trust the plan.

You’ve hit retirement and don’t know how much money to withdraw each month so you can enjoy your freedom without a huge tax bite.

You want to travel to places like French Polynesia, Singapore, and South Africa but aren’t sure how to properly fund it without upending your retirement planning.

You are tired of tax increases and don’t have time to research tax planning businesses but don’t want to resort to using tax shelters like the Cayman Islands.

Cookie-cutter investment products and financial services from big banks and brokerage firms, and even some of our peers, have nothing to offer for these types of scenarios for affluent individuals. Why? Because this kind of focus from a financial advisor takes too much effort and time.

This is why our wealth managers/asset managers collectively accept only 17 new clients each year. Wealth management is a relationship, not to be confused with companies selling other products and services, where the dealer wants to own as many wares and sell out most of them. As a wealthy person, you deserve better than to fumble around for solutions that a typical advisor cannot provide. You deserve nothing less than fully custom private wealth management service and financial planning advice from financial advisors you can trust.

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The Costs of Leaving Your Investments Where They Are

Your finances are our only concern. We’re committed to providing you with the best customer service possible while taking care of all your needs.

Are you concerned?

What if a family member marries poorly and starts hemorrhaging wealth due to their spouse or spouse’s family?

What if shifting economic realities cause your business value to multiply by ten, and you sell it for a nine-figure windfall?

What if a wealth tax gets approved, or the highest income tax bracket shifts up to 70%?

What if a parent contracts Alzheimer’s disease two years before you plan to retire?

That last example isn’t a malevolent force, but the reality of a sudden infusion of wealth raises new questions about your future and requires a fresh approach to your financial plan from your advisor.

Leaving your investments alone and hoping everything turns out alright is a risky strategy. Things will not go as planned. Tax laws will change. You will need to adjust your investment strategy the closer you get to retirement—many times.

Do you have a plan for how to respond when these sorts of events happen in your life? What about a series of events all at once, like Coronavirus plus a failed business plus a family crisis?

Do you have access to unconflicted, expert, fiduciary, trusted financial advice from a wealth manager or financial advisor?

Does that financial advisor or wealth manager offer more financial services than mere investment management, basic knowledge, and advice?

This is why our founding wealth managers baked the anticipation for these events into the fabric of our approach to investment management. We don’t wait to react to personal and world events. We count on it. How does it feel to engage with a wealth management strategy that is designed from this perspective? The best way to find out is to take a chance and talk to a wealth manager. You have an opportunity today to take a different path. A path where obligations fade, work takes a back seat, and money ceases to be on your mind.

Hutch E. Ashoo
Christopher G. Snyder

Years of Experience

Meet Pillar Wealth Management Team.

We are the co-founders of Pillar Wealth Management, Hutch Ashoo, and Chris Snyder. Our firm has a 62+ year track record in helping high net-worth individuals and families. If you’re seeking the financial services of an exclusive private wealth management advisor, then our firm may be a fit for you. Our fully custom wealth management advisory services are designed specifically for U.S. based investors who:

Have $5 million to $500 million liquid investable assets and seek financial serenity…

They are concerned about the all-time high levels of stocks, bonds, and securities, and who seek wealth protection yet wish to grow their portfolios too!

They are facing a significant financial event or opportunity and aren’t getting their needs met. For example, retirement, divorce, a business deal, a real estate purchase, Covid 19, or the loss of a loved one…

Are looking to save on TAXES, fees, and expenses?

They are dissatisfied with the investment advisory services they’re receiving from their current advisor or wealth managers, such as under-performance, lack of attention, poor communication, unnecessary products, and high fees…

What Makes Pillar Wealth Management Service so Exclusive?

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Fiduciary Financial Advisor

In one word, “obsession.” For over three decades, each advisor in the Pillar Wealth Management team has obsessively served our clients’ portfolio and investing needs through the ups and downs of the markets, the economy, and their financial lives. Bottom line, Pillar Wealth Management helps each individual client make difficult decisions by giving them access to our top wealth managers.

You won’t be alone when you are faced with choices that will profoundly impact your future… your legacy… and ultimately, your family–for, perhaps, generations to come. In fact, Pillar Wealth Management feels so confident in our deep expertise and excellent service delivery that it’s our goal to save and find each new client $100,000+ per $10 Million of investable assets.

This puts more money back in your pocket. To do this, your wealth manager will use a multi-pronged strategy of scrutinizing underlying investment expenses, financial advisory fees, tax liabilities, and avoiding unnecessary risks and loss while maximizing returns.

What to Expect from Our Wealth Manager/Wealth Management Advisor Services

This is what Pillar Wealth Management delivers for all our clients. Private, Fiduciary, Independent Wealth Management because we are a fiduciary, private wealth management firm, you will receive:

Affluent investors and individuals have very different financial needs from typical investors. Our wealth management tools and services have been carefully developed to meet those needs in ways that thrill and delight our clients. What makes our financial services thrilling and delighting? If you’re like most people, one of your greatest desires is simply to not have to worry.

For example, it’s better to have someone else take care of your yard, car maintenance, and housecleaning. Likewise, it would be great if you could just entrust all your investments and accounts to a wealth manager or financial advisor. You can then rest easy, knowing that a trusted, expert professional is handling all aspects of your financial planning according to your desires and the investment results you want. That’s what Pillar Wealth Management means by ‘financial serenity.’ Managing finances and investments take time.

For people with great wealth, it takes even more time. You want that time back. You want to focus your mind on other matters. Only a trusted, expert, fiduciary wealth manager can deliver the optimized performance you need without putting your investments at high risk.

Unconflicted financial advice you can trust.

Personalized understanding – we know and care about what’s at stake for you.

Diverse investment options – not beholden to company quotas or dictates from on high.

Diverse investment options – not beholden to company quotas or dictates from on high.

Numerous additional services and programs for affluent.

Customized financial plans and services built to exceed your wealth and lifestyle goals and surpass your needs.

Outstanding investment performance-optimized around your investment goals and needs people.

Simple fee structures – no commissions or sales targets distorting our motives, and no products to sell.

Personalized Customer Services – Expect Nothing Less

When you reach out to Pillar Wealth Management (all rights reserved), you talk to the experts. Our wealth managers answer their phones and reply to their emails – always within a day if for some reason you don’t reach us your first try. We send consistent reports and give you online access to your portfolio and other information. But you need much more support than that if your money will achieve all the goals you’ve set for it.

Why Does Customized Wealth Management Planning Matter?

Below is information on why a customized wealth management planning service matters.

Why is it an advantage to use a customized wealth management plan?

Every person has different needs, worries, desires, priorities, and financial realities. You cannot secure the future you want with a cookie-cutter wealth management plan, no matter who your advisor or wealth manager is. We cannot emphasize enough the difference between how it feels to have truly customized financial planning for your investments and all your other accounts and financial assets, compared to the usual types of investment management services.

What is the goal of customized planning in the United States?

The goal is financial security. The goal is to optimize your portfolio and investment performance. The path to achieving this is to balance risk management with growth.

How does Pillar optimize my investment performance?

Pillar doesn’t employ the traditional asset allocation buckets using investment strategies like ‘aggressive growth’ and ‘moderate’ and ‘conservative.’ We do nothing even remotely close to that.
Our process, which is proprietary, innovative, and driven by over 100 years of market performance data, presents you with various recommendations for investment management and financial strategies. The key to optimized investing is in how you measure it.

How do our wealth managers measure growth?

Our strategy measures your results based on the achievement of your goals and desired lifestyle outcomes, not an arbitrary percentage of growth or annual performance. In other words, are you on track to living your life how you want? Are your family members positioned for long term security, through and beyond retirement? Are all your short and long-term financial life needs being met? If so, then your investments are performing successfully, and your plan is working. Want to hear more? Schedule a FREE consultation

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Our Wealth Management Service Includes:

Gain access to a wide array of financial advisory and wealth management offerings, with one all-inclusive simple fee:

Clients often comment on how radically different our advisors’ approach is from the big-name banking and investing firms you are familiar with on Wall Street.

Frankly, we are astonished at how a huge investment advisory firm can get away with providing plain vanilla, cookie-cutter services to such deserving men, women, entrepreneurs, and individuals! You should expect more. It would be best if you demand better. If you’d like to be considered for access to our exclusive investment and wealth management services, you can start the process by clicking here.

Please understand that all locations of Pillar Wealth Management throughout the United States are hectic. A wealth manager from your nearest office location will get back to you as soon as possible. However, if your situation is urgent and requires immediate assistance, please state it on your submission form.

  • Development of an investment portfolio that best fits your performance expectations and desired lifestyle — while still allowing you to sleep at night
  • M&A/business or Real Estate planning
  • Death or divorce financial transitions
  • No pressure to buy investment products you don’t need, trade requests and advice you don’t understand, or other irresponsible and disrespectful actions
  • Referral to other professionals like tax accounting firms, insurance specialists, estate planners
  • Safe retirement planning and income/lifestyle optimization and maximization of high net-worth and ultra-high net worth portfolio performance
  • Individualized wealth management analysis and financial planning based on the lifestyle you most desire
  • Inheritance investing, estate planning, trusts, life insurance advice
  • Minimize taxes, fees, and other costs
  • Direct access to our top wealth managers and financial advisors
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Preparation is how you win the investing war!

You are smart enough to know you cannot know it all, no matter how sophisticated you are about business, investments, and the financial industry. Besides, you have other things that demand your time and attention. You understand the importance of surrounding yourself with top minds and talent who use the most current information about the markets to manage your accounts. You know the value of working with a financial advisor or wealth manager who can provide good financial services in areas where you need expertise.

Financial security is found in preparation and planning—plan for the unknown future. Upheaval will come, in capital markets, in your business, in your family – anywhere. Your money and financial life are never secure until you have a plan in place that makes it so. You can do that work yourself or have a wealth manager or financial advisor do it. Ask yourself:

Do I have enough money in my accounts to retire comfortably?

How will I properly invest my large cash inflow from an inheritance, real estate, or large stock/options sale?

How will divorce impact my standard of living?

Who will I trust to manage my money when my spouse passes away?

How do I financially plan for my children’s and grandchildren’s education, philanthropy plans, travel plans, and other interests?

Example: Financial Lessons From The Past

On Black Monday, October 19, 1987, the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged 23 percent. To this day, this remains the largest one-day loss in U.S. stock market history. Our wealth managers were already managing client accounts and investments on that fateful Monday, and the crash left a significant impression on us.

Too many high net worth individuals and investors lost millions of dollars. They vowed not to make the same mistakes again. But in our experience, we still see a number of the same mistakes being made by advisors and wealth managers worldwide, and in the U.S. No one knows when the next financial disaster will happen.

If you think back to previous catastrophes and even the recent Covid 19 recession, the so-called expert advisors love to use grand proclamations about uncharted waters and that we’ve never seen anything like this in the past and never will again. Don’t listen to that. Make no mistake: The surprises will come again.

Since no experts can predict when the next personal or market crisis will occur, your goal should be to protect yourself and your investments from such a risk, using the services of an expert, trusted advisor, or wealth manager.

Wealth Management Definition

What Wealth Management Means

Wealth management consists of a grouping of financial services offered to families and individuals that have a relatively high net worth, typically more than $1 million in liquid assets, that is, assets that are easily converted into cash.

Dues to the complexities of owning a lot of wealth, which usually includes a range of assets, wealth management is also complex. It will cover not only investment management, but also risk management, estate planning, and philanthropy, all of which are managed to maximize returns and minimize tax liabilities.


High net worth individuals may require wealth management services when they find themselves unable to keep up with changes in the economy and in financial markets. Moreover, wealth managers may require the services of other professionals in order to manage the client’s wealth adequately, for example, consulting with accountants or estate planners.

What do you do in wealth management?

At the beginning of their relationship, the wealth manager and the client will spend a lot of time discussing the client’s financial situation. The manager will want to understand the goals and desires of the client and their family situation as well as their concerns about the future. The manager wants to know about the client’s tolerance for risk. They will talk about the asset classes that would be good investments, as well as some existing assets that could be sold as not sufficiently profitable.

Subsequent to their discussions, the manager and the client will work together to create a financial plan. As the plan is put in place, they will monitor and review the results, making modifications as the client’s financial picture changes over time.

What is a wealth management example?

A typical example of wealth management is the preparation of an estate plan because any wealthy individual will be concerned about how their wealth will be passed on. A proper will needs to be written. The client should hold regular meetings with their family and others to whom they are close, in that way developing a good understanding of the desires of all parties. The wealth manager will advise the client on the use of trusts and charitable foundations as part of the estate plan.


The investment advisory services require a lot of information to get through, which is why we always encourage our readers and clients to go through our website and read our blogs. You only have to accept cookies, and you’re good to go.

Our service catalog covers everything you can enjoy from the best investment banks, retails banks, or something similar. The worst part is that you may not have any tangible thing to hold them on to. PillarWM is your safest and surest bet. Please take a quick tour through our site to understand what quality service we offer.

Please go through our website for information about our products and services; enter your name, address, and a valid US zip code to get started with us. Do your part, and leave the rest to us. You should also consider reading every term in our T&C. You can also contact our client service team for an explanation of any term that seems confusing.