Protecting Ultra-High Net Worth Portfolios
Hi, Chris Snyder here, Co-founder of Pillar Wealth Management and I am here with a message for families with liquid portfolios of at least $5 Million and up to $500 Million. Years of experience managing our clients’ wealth has given us a wealth of knowledge.
7 Secrets To High Net Worth Investment Management, Estate, Tax and Financial Planning
The insights you’ll discover from our published book will help you integrate a variety of wealth management tools with financial planning, providing guidance for your future security alongside complex financial strategies, so your human and financial capital will both flourish.
Clients frequently share with us how the knowledge gained from this book helped provide them tremendous clarity, shattering industry-pitched ideologies, while offering insight and direction in making such important financial decisions.
We have developed successful methods to help our ultra-high net worth and high net worth clients capture much of the gains but less of the losses that the markets bring. In other words, performance is strong in good years, but holds its ground in the downturns.
We custom build investment models for each client since prospects come to us holding different investments, and we don’t just blindly sell everything to buy a cookie-cutter model.
We are so focused on the importance of principal preservation that we wrote a hard cover book about it a couple of years back, The Art Of Protecting Ultra-High Net Worth Portfolios And Estates, Strategies For Families Worth $25 Million to $500 Million. You can buy it on Amazon.
Testimonial From Satisfied Clients
If you’re feeling the pain of investment losses like so many others, and your wealth manager’s best advice is to ‘stay the course’ and trust that ‘markets always go up over time,’ we would respectfully suggest that you need a new wealth manager.
Those boilerplate platitudes don’t serve anyone well, especially ultra-high net worth investors who don’t want to wipe out the last ten years of growth because their advisor stuck them with a 60/40 split and told them it would hold up.
It won’t. And it isn’t.
As an ultra-high net worth investor, you deserve better. The 60/40 asset allocation is flawed. It’s one reason why Pillar Wealth Management refuses to sort investors into cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all investment plans. You deserve a custom-prepared investment plan developed specifically to you and your lifestyle goals.
To find out more about our custom investment plans for high and ultra-high net worth clients, I encourage you to have a short conversation with my partner and Co-founder, Hutch Ashoo. With over 60 combined years of experience in bad markets as well as good, we can give you the objective, independent guidance you need right now. You can call or text Hutch Ashoo on his cell (408) 675-1777, anytime.
Hutch and I look forward to talking with you soon. Again, Hutch’s number is 408-675-1777, call or text him now.